Unlike so many other porn sites (gay or straight), is definitely able to keep up with the advanced technology in today’s day and age by having a Twitter account, a Facebook account, and a Google Plus account. You’ve got your search bar on the upper left hand corner of the site, which allows you to search for anything your dick desires (I must say, they have literally almost anything). When you visit the site, I’m pretty sure you’ll appreciate how simple, neat, and orderly the porn site is. The website has a simple white background, dark coloured fonts (mostly dark grey, black, and dark blue), and simple picture icons that feature the porn videos according to the categories. Straight people don’t go looking for ribbons and frills together with their hardcore banging, do they? I’m not sure what makes them think gay people want to see glitter beside some good quality ass fucking. There are so many try hard gay porn sites out there, with all their flashiness and bedazzle. I especially love that they kept the site simple. They could have just kept it simple with their amazing collection of gay porn content, but nope, they made sure they exceeded expectations and created a whole man hub that has everything. I love it when porn site creators go up and beyond their expectations and create something so magnificent for everyone out there. Manhub isn’t just a gay porn site, it’s actually a man hub.